
Biomass (steam) boiler
Biomass boiler system including boiler, biomass shaped atomizer burners, combustion systems, feeding systems, soot blowing dust removal system, centralized control system. The biomass boiler chain grate combustion equipment for biomass fuel hopper fall on the grate through the grate into the furnace configuration rotating secondary air for combustion, the flue gas combustion in the furnace, high temperature flue gas from the furnace through the combustion chamber into the flue, the flue into the economizer, dust, and then by the induced draft fan evacuating to the atmosphere through the chimney.
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Product introduction
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Features introduced

Biomass boiler system including boiler, biomass shaped atomizer burners, combustion systems, feeding systems, soot blowing dust removal system, centralized control system. The biomass boiler chain grate combustion equipment for biomass fuel hopper fall on the grate through the grate into the furnace configuration rotating secondary air for combustion, the flue gas combustion in the furnace, high temperature flue gas from the furnace through the combustion chamber into the flue, the flue into the economizer, dust, and then by the induced draft fan evacuating to the atmosphere through the chimney. Drain grate ash falls into the gray door with the chain fall on the grate, the rest of the dust separated by fall within the hopper, combustion air from the blower into the rear of the total duct through the bottom plenum into the second side chain grate duct, and then adjust each fan damper adjustment enters the total air chamber, through the chain grate unfamiliar material layer into the furnace fuel.

Boiler has the following characteristics:

1. combustion stability, contribute enough;
2high efficiency, steam production fast, smoke and dust effects, and low noise;
3compact structure, small size, easy maintenance;
4fully furnished, high degree of mechanization and automation, easy to operate, safe, reliable, low labor intensity;
5using chunks of chain grate structure, good ventilation, reliable and durable.

Hengda raw material boiler low operating costs than the use of oil, natural gas, electricity, coal-fired boilers to save 40 to 50% of operating costs, is an efficient, energy-saving, environmental protection, thermal equipment.

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